Diensten (2)

H2K Foam App

10 sep

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H2K launched a smartphone app for industrial firefighters. The app provides much needed practical calculation support for industrial first responders.

Our app consists of 4 components:

Foam application calculator

- a tool to estimate the minimum required quantity of firefighting foam based on surface, mixing ration and application rate

Practical foam calculator

- to calculate the maximum extinguishing or covering surface based on flow rate of equipment

Burndown approximator

- to indicate the duration of a fire

Pocket guide firefighting foam

- essential need-to-know guide for emergency response with firefighting foam

All components are designed from a firefighters point of view, to ensure that the tools are as practical as can be. You can save and edit your outcomes so that you’ll be able to share them later with others.

The app is available for Apple and Android smartphones and can be downloaded for free.

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