H2K Online

H2K Online

H2K online is een digitaal leerplatform voor het praktijkgericht opleiden, oefenen en evalueren van mensen individueel of in teamverband. In het digitale leerplatform kunnen kennis en vaardigheden aangeleerd, getoetst, geoefend en geregistreerd worden. 



5-day Industrial Fire Team Leader

The Industrial Fire Team Leader course (IFTL) covers all relevant objectives relevant to perform as a Fire Team Leader during incidents in the chemical and petrochemical industry. The program is a mix of theory, case studies, workshops and scenario training. Topics such as: firefighting strategy and tactics, decision-making-processes, advanced theory on industrial emergency response, practical scenario training for crew leaders, and advanced understanding on firefighting foam are being covered.

The training program has been accredited by the non-for-profit JOIFF organization (www.joiff.com). Meaning all course participants receive an official JOIFF certification upon completion of the training.

Program elements are aimed at fire team leaders, shift leaders, and future shift leaders in the chemical and/or petrochemical industry who will, during a certain stage of an emergency, be responsible for directing the firefighting teams. Following the course is also very relevant for team leaders from municipal fire brigades who are facing industrial risks in their service areas.

Special part of the training are live-fire exercises at night including hydrogen scenarios, to create awareness on industrial emergency response in inconvenient and low-visibility conditions.

Course aims:

  • To provide the theoretical knowledge about foreseeable incident scenarios, escalation scenarios and specific risks concerning storage and process installations, hydrocarbon products and the required leadership skills during an incident.
  • To provide practical experience to be able to respond in a safe and effective way while controlling/ extinguishing hydrocarbon fires.
  • In-dept knowledge on firefighting techniques and tactics.
  • With the help of theoretical sessions, practical trainings, workshops, and lessons-learned the participants are ready to their (future) operational tasks.
  • To obtain advanced understanding regarding the performance of active and passive fire protection in relation to industrial incident scenarios 

Successful completion of the program will enable each delegate to:

  • Understand basic principle and philosophy for emergency response operations in an industrial environment
  • Understand their role and their responsibilities at incidents
  • Understand the principles of incident command and apply effective commanding structures
  • Assess and control risk in varied and dynamic industrial environments
  • Understand the sources and importance of relevant and inappropriate information
  • Understand the lines and methods of communication during an incident
  • Cooperation with internal and external agencies

Practical Information:

Dates:  - - - -
Location:  H2K Dordrecht-Rotterdam
Accreditation:  JOIFF
Course language:  English

The Industrial Fire Team Leader-training is a 5-day event commencing Monday 8:00.
On Friday the program ends at 15:30.

  Irex Passive Fire Protection

More information

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H2K Online

H2K beschikt over een digitaal leerplatform als aanvulling op opleidingen en trainingen. Met behulp van het platform kunnen cursisten, zowel individueel als in teamverband, online lessen volgen, casuïstiek behandelen en kennistoetsen maken.

Het gebruiksvriendelijke online leerplatform biedt de mogelijkheid om standaard- en maatwerkleerprogramma’s digitaal te verstrekken. De modules zijn 24/7 beschikbaar en toegankelijk op alle apparaten.

H2K heeft de handen ineengeslagen met software-ontwikkelaar Splintt voor het faciliteren van e-learning voor industriële incidentbestrijding. Splintt ontwikkelt het digitale raamwerk voor e-learning, H2K heeft online leerprogramma’s gemaakt voor industriële opleidingen en trainingen.

Interesse of een proefaccount proberen? Bekijk hier de informatieleaflet of neem contact op met H2K.

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